segunda-feira, fevereiro 27, 2012

Dina Pimenta

Nasceu no Funchal. Licenciada em pintura pelo Instituto Superior de Artes Plásticas da Madeira, é professora de Artes Visuais, no ensino secundário. No panorama artístico, expõe desde 1980, participando em projectos colectivos, de co-autoria e individuais. Ao longo da sua carreira, tem sido distinguida com alguns prémios e distinções.

Dina was born in Funchal. She has degree in Painting from the Institute of Visual Arts in Madeira. Professionally, she teaches Descriptive Geometry. In the artistic area, Dina Pimenta exhibits since 1980, having participated in numerous single, co-authored and collective art projects and exhibitions. Throughout her career, she has been honored with several distinctions and awards.

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